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Friday, March 19, 2010

Latest TV Ad Capstone to Nearly $2 Million Pro-Life Healthcare Effort

CWA Applauds Senators Brownback and Kyl for Promoting Internet Freedom

Federal Court Allows Religious Liberty Case to Go Forward Against the City of Chicago and Chicago Police Officers

Right to Life to U.S. House: Big Abortion Vote

Crouse says 'ObamaCare is Legislative Tyranny'

Family Research Council, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and National Right to Life Committee to Host News Conference Call Today at 3 PM ET

Rep. Wilson's Betrays His Pro-life Conscience & the People of Ohio's Sixth District

Colorado Personhood Amendment Submits 46,671 Signatures -- Ensures Spot on 2010 Ballot

Liberal Evangelicals Joining Old Religious Left in D.C. Immigration March

Thursday, March 18, 2010

A Series of Prayer Vigils Surrounding Healthcare to be Held by the Christian Defense Coalition

Lutheran Hour Ministries Extends Reach of 'The Lutheran Hour' with Major Satellite Network Partnership

Evangelical Left Dismisses Abortion Concerns, Urges Obamacare Passage

National Organization of Women Religious Join Bishops in Rejecting Senate Health Care Bill

Small Church Response to Haiti House Challenge Unprecedented

Call for Personhood for Canadian Pre-Born as New Website is Launched

Document - Sanguis Innocens, Sanguis Sanctus - Delivered to Cardinal Bertone at Vatican, and Now Made Public, 'Your Eminence...Who Has is Correct? Cardinal Ratzinger or Archbishop Wuerl? Their Contradictory Positions Cannot Both be Correct.'

Vibrant Young Church Joins the Ranks of Major Ministries Through Innovative New Virtual World

South Dakota Citizen Shantel Krebs Calls U.S. Congresswoman to Oppose Dems Push on ObamaCare

Press Conference Today to Announce Personhood Signature Count, Also Announcing Plans to Sue Colorado Secretary of State

Former North Dakota Governor Speaks Out on ObamaCare

Fr. Pavone to Nuns: Right to Life at Heart of Social Justice

Gilbert, AZ Authorities May be Helping to Grow House Churches says House Church Leader

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Episcopal Church Approves Lesbian Bishop

Oberstar's Support of Healthcare is a Betrayal of Pro-life Principles & the People of Minnesota's Eighth District

We Don't CAIR Conference

Rep. Kildee Sides with Barbara Boxer on Abortion Funding in Healthcare Reform

Sky Angel Adds Daystar to Channel Lineup

Christian Leaders Urge Congress to Enforce Iran Sanctions Act of 1996

Black Evangelicals Affirm Their Identity and Unity

N.J. Governor Chris Christie Proposes Elimination of Funding for Family Planning

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