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Tuesday, February 02, 2010

1000 Rabbis Warn: Open Homosexuality in the Military is a Disaster and May Cause Further Natural Disasters

Monday, February 01, 2010

Canadian TV Tonight to Air Pro-Life Ad Rejected in U.S.

False Accusation Against Randall Terry Refuted -- Mr. Terry Does Not Condone Violence

Groundbreaking Study Proves Abstinence Education Works

World Vision Declares February Month of Prayer for Haiti's Children

The Center For Bio-Ethical Reform Condemns Randall Terry's Support for Violence Against Abortion Providers

Filmmaker Tracy Trost Set to Begin Filming 'A Christmas Snow'

Tebow's Defensive Line: 50,000 and Counting

Ken Ham Delivers 'State of the Nation' Feb. 16, Offers Biblical Perspective

Kenneth Copeland Ministries Partners With United Theological Seminary to Offer Advanced Degree

Navigating Through the Valley of Financial Uncertainty: New Manual Provides Fresh Approach to Financial Management

Conference of Catholic Bishops Exec Chaired Pro-Abortion, LGBT Rights Group

To Show Support for the CBS Decision to Air the Tebow Ad During the Super Bowl, Groups to Hold Prayer Vigil and Witness in NYC on Tuesday, Feb. 2

Iran Sanctions Pass in Congress – Catholic Leaders Influential in Legislative Victory

Friday, January 29, 2010

Richard Viguerie is Keynote Speaker for Tea Party Group; Cautions Against Forming a Third Political Party

Fr. Pavone Condemns Violence of Scott Roeder and the Abortion Industry

Senator Tom's Bill Would Protect Abortion Industry, Not Women, Say Silent No More Leaders

Yes, There is a Difference Between Smut and 'Issue' Ads, but it isn't Clear That CBS Knows the Difference or That it Cares

Baltimore: Obama's Lions' Den Experience

Pro-life Groups and Leaders to Hold Prayer Vigil and Witness to Show Public Support For the CBS Decision to Air the Tim Tebow Pro-life Ad During the Super Bowl

Lithuanian Priest and Free Market Advocate to Receive Acton Institute's 2010 Novak Award

eBook on Multicultural Worship Released

2009 Tax Law Changes Pastors Need to Know

Kyria Urges Women to Act in Response to Pain and Injustice

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Catholic News Now Available to Kindle Readers

SBA List Candidate Fund Endorses Maria Rodriguez for Congress in Illinois' 8th District

Richard Viguerie Urges Republican National Committee to Reject Litmus Tests for Candidates

Poll: Americans -- and Millennials -- Oppose More Government Regulation and Business Greed

FrontGate Media Offers Charities New Way to Reach More, Raise More Through Partnership with MobileGive

Women Hurt by Abortion Support Tebow and His Mom in Super Bowl Ad

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