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Thursday, November 05, 2009

National Right to Life Statement on Latest Pro-Abortion Ploy by U.S. House Democratic Leadership

Newly Identified Corporate Supporters of Planned Parenthood Named

Personhood USA Marks 1st Anniversary; Announces Strategy for 2010 -- A Personhood Initiative in Every State

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Maine Vote Signals Continued Opposition to Same-Sex Marriage

CWA's Crouse Comments on Election 2009

Concerned Women for America of Iowa Hosts Its 3rd Annual Veterans Event

The Vote is In: Maine Protects Marriage

Powerful Pro Life Message in November 17th Release of 'Sarah's Choice' -- Rebecca St. James' First Leading Role in Film -- Grammy Winner Applauds this Week's Defection by Planned Parenthood Exec

Illinois Parental Notice for Abortions on Minors in Full Effect

'We're Baaaak!' Conservative and Pro-Family Values Win Big at the Polls

To Planned Parenthood: Election Results Got Your Tongue?

It's About Turnout, Says Fr. Pavone

Conversion of Planned Parenthood Director Shows that There is Always Hope Says Dr. Alveda King

Audio Bibles Designed, Deployed to U.S. Troops

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

SBA List President on NY-23 Election Results

Vaccine Choice Supporters Help Elect Christie NJ Governor

Richard Viguerie: War for the Heart and Soul of the GOP Has Begun--And the First Battle Has Been Won by the Small Government Tea Party Activists

Pro-Life Advocates Will Preach, Lobby, and Perform Skits Outside the Cannon Office Building at the Corner of 1st and C SE Near the Capitol South Metro Station on Thursday, November 5, from 8:30 to 10:00 AM

Conservative Analysis of 2009 Election Results

Mystery Unfolds in the Hills of North Carolina

One Million Views of Abortion

Religious Left Pro-Censorship Campaign Hits Rough Water

Go to the Polls Today, Says Fr. Pavone

Sit-in Planned at Nancy Pelosi's Office, Thursday November 5th, at 2 PM

New Publishing Model for Authors: Bethany Press Launches BelieversPress to Give Author's Faith a Voice

New Book Provides Guidance, Spiritual Inspiration and Practical Tips on Employment

New Global Ministries Open in Peru, Grenada, and Sudan

So. Calif. to Hear How Darwin Was Wrong

Pastors at Atlanta Pride Festival Apologize to Gay Community

Neocutis Deceiving the Public about Aborted Fetal Material in Skin Products

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