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Saturday, September 12, 2009

Religion Newswriters Association Names 2009 Contest Winners

Memorial and Prayer Vigil Planned for Slain Pro-Life Hero

Friday, September 11, 2009

Faithful Gentle Christian Murdered while Standing For Jesus

James Pouillon is Another Victim of Abortion Say Priests for Life Leaders Pavone, Morana, and King

Thomas More Society of Chicago Reacts to Cold-Blooded Killing of Pro-Life Activist Jim Pouillon

Walk for Life Central Coast

JCTV Fall Lineup Brings Best of Music, Talk, Reality Programming, and More

Faithful Pro-life Man Murdered while Standing for Jesus

BeBe & CeCe Winans Tape New Gospel Music Channel Series

Friends of Martyred Pro-Life Hero Jim Pouillon Call for an End to All Violence

Orthodox Christian Faithful Meet at Unity Conference

Conservative 'Funding Father' Richard Viguerie Trains Tea Party Leaders to Challenge Incumbents

CWA Mourns for Murdered Pro-Life Activist

Pro-Life Action League Calls on Government Agencies to Provide Equal Protection and Create a Task Force on Violence Against Pro-Life Advocates

Son Inspires Father to Write Book

Pro-life Activist Gunned Down in Cold Blood

Abortion Wars, Pro-Life's First Martyr - Jim Pouillon: Randall Terry, DC Area Pro-life Leaders to Hold Press Conference. Rev. Rusty Thomas, Missy Smith Hold Press Conference Re: Today's Shooting in Mich.

Fr. Pavone on Michigan Shooting of Pro-Life Activist

DC News Conference to Comment on Murder of Pro-Life Activist in Michigan this Morning

Court Delays Manslaughter Case as Second Anniversary of Abortion Death Nears

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Walk for Life Central Coast

California Family Council Publica Declaración en el Pasaje de Proyecto de Ley del Senado 54

Bible Study Magazine (Logos Bible Software) Reviews New Book That Teaches Forty Different Bible Study Methods Using Handwritten Examples

Heartbeat Calls for Public Outcry After Obama's Abortion Coverage Denial

Federation of Organizations Supports Heathcare Reform but Opposes Government-run Healthcare that Funds Abortion, Violates Conscience, Rations Care, or Limits Freedom

Operation Rescue to Obama: 'You Lie'

End-Time Handmaidens World Convention to Air on GOD TV

Acton Institute and Stewardship Council Form Strategic Partnership; Prepare Launch of NIV Stewardship Study Bible and Effective Stewardship DVD

Susan B. Anthony List Announces Results of New Nationwide Poll: Majority of Americans Oppose Government Funding of Abortion in Health Care Reform

'Misunderstandings' and 'Bogus Claims' on Abortion Funding in Health Care Legislation Come from the White House, Not Pro-Lifers, Says Fr. Pavone

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