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Friday, August 28, 2009

Pro-Lifers Attacked by Claremont Town Hall Meeting Staff, Others Threatened

Thomas More Society of Chicago Files Brief for New York State Catholic Conference in Defense of Traditional Marriage

Actor Jim Caviezel Wants People to Know They're Loved

Author & Subject of Movie to Address 40,000 Students in El Salvador

Dr. Alveda King Remembers Sen. Edward Kennedy

Rosary.com Acquired by The Catholic Company

Human Life International's Statement on the Passing of Senator Edward Kennedy

Liberty Counsel Petitions Supreme Court to Hear Graduation Free Speech Case

Whistleblowers Come Forward with Accusations of Illegal, Unsafe Conditions at Carhart's Abortion Clinic

First Comprehensive, User-Friendly Guide to Church Planting Released by Paternoster

One Year Later GFA Missionaries Bringing Hope to Survivors

Football Coach Begins 'Sleep In' Outside Rep. Zack Space's Office to Demand Town Hall Meeting

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Court Denies DA's Motion for Lifetime Ban on Walter Hoye

Pro-life Group to Oppose Tax-Funded Abortion at Congressional Send-off, Los Angeles

Systemic Theology: A New Branch of Theology

TV Ads, Letters, and Town Hall Meetings: Turning Up the Heat to Keep Abortion Out of Health Care

Jacksonville Conference Confronts Creation-Evolution Debate

4 WINDS Statement on Woman's 800 Meters Gold Medalist Caster Semenya's Sex Investigation

Group Workcamps Foundation Donates 156,044 Cans of Food to Needy Communities

Another Killing at a Christian Church

Faith-based Schools Recommend e2Campus for Improved Campus Safety

Black Group Comes Out in Support of Glenn Beck

PLACE Ministries Announces Two Workshops for Church Volunteer Recruiters

Homeschoolers Beat National Average on ACT

Reach More, Spend Less with Low-Cost NIV Bibles

Pro-Life Activists Travel to Martha's Vineyard to Challenge President Obama on Taxpayer Funded Abortions in His Health Care Plan

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

CMA Doctors Warn of New Pro-Suicide Bias in U.S. Law and Policy

HR 3200 'Obama' Abortion Videos: 'Obama' Robs People, Kills Babies, Orders Doctor to 'Kill Granny'

Fr. Pavone: Response to Problems with Health Care Reform is Elections

Randall Terry, Abortion, and Health Care: Disturbing New 'Obama' Videos Released

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