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Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Prison Ministry Opens First Field Office in Africa

Pope's Encyclical Launches Publisher's Expansion in Electronic and Audio Books

Pro-life Groups Ask for Comprehensive Investigation of Late-term Abortionist Carhart

The Faith and Freedom Institute will Conduct a Prayer Vigil at the White House in Washington, DC

National Religious Freedom Group Calls for Dismissal of Connecticut State Ethics Office Chief for Harassing the Catholic Church

Annual Labor Day Music Fest, RevGen, Celebrates Fifth Year Anniversary

The Institute for Priestly Formation Celebrates 'Year for Priests' with New Resources

Magazine Calls Believers to Missions

Sky Angel Televises 'ACLJ This Week' with Jay Sekulow

Alabama Attorney General Calls Undercover Video of Planned Parenthood Ignoring Statutory Rape 'Extremely Troubling', Seeks Investigation

SC State Law - Authority of Governor to Order out National Guard

Surviving Shattered Dreams: Ex-Wives of Pastors Offer Insights on How to Cope with Adultery and Abuse

Monday, July 06, 2009

Incubator Creative Group Hosts Simply Ministry, Business & Marketing Boot Camp

Polling Shows American People Eager to Hear Pope's Message on Economic Issues

IRS Demands that Coalition for Life of Iowa Swear It Will Not Oppose Planned Parenthood

Major Surprise Guest and Three Contestants Voted Out on GMC's 'Gospel Dream' Series Weds. July 8 at 10pm ET/9pm CT

Blind Christian Counselor Now Published Memoir Author

CEAI Versus ACLU: David Versus Goliath

Fr. Pavone: Save Lives and Money -- Restore the Dornan Amendment

ChinaAid President Bob Fu to Speak to CECC Regarding Persecution of Human Rights Attorneys

Why Can't We have an Honest Debate?

Andy Crouch Discusses Round Trip Short-Term Missions Documentary on Interfaith Voices National Radio

Joel Osteen Direct from Australia on GOD TV

How Much is a Woman's Life Worth? In Michigan, Only $10,000

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Rick Warren is Wrong

Calvin500 Opens in Geneva

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Correction Officer Celebrates his Spiritual Independence Day

Friday, July 03, 2009

Team Sarah Statement on Palin Resignation

Pentagon Denies Flyover of Patriotic 'God and Country Rally' in Nampa Idaho Because of its Christian Content

Late-term Abortionist Pendergraft Loses License Suspension Appeal

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