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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Following Initial Statement can be Attributed to Andrew Pugno, General Counsel of ProtectMarriage.com:

SBA List: Women Should be Concerned About Sotomayor

New Product from Shepherd Press

Organized for Life Leads Campaign Against Activist Judicial Nominee Sonia Sotomayor

Richard Viguerie: Sotomayor Nomination is a Major Opportunity for Conservatives to Define President Obama as a Radical Liberal

Stephen G Peroutka, Chairman of the National Pro Life Action Center and Founder and CEO of National Pro Life Radio NPLR.net Responded to President Obama's Nomination of US Appeals Court Judge Sonya Sotamayor to Sit on the US Supreme Court

Evangelicals Say Poor, Minorities Will be Hardest Hit by Climate Legislation

Sotomayor and Abortion: Norma McCorvey (formally Jane Roe, of Roe v Wade) asks Democrat Senators Nelson and Casey to Filibuster Sotomayor, and Work to Overturn Roe

Obama Nominee Sotomayor Unfit for Supreme Court

Careful Examination Needed of Sotomayor's Extensive Record

On Day of California Supreme Court Ruling for Proposition 8, the Marriage Initiative, California Pastor Urges Standing Bold While Forming Relationships with Those Opposed to Biblical Values

Tiller Abortion Worker Honored at White House by Obama

National Director of Priests for Life on Judge Sonia Sotomayor's Supreme Court Nomination

WGM Yard Sale Nets Money for Missions, Unexpected Blessings

Fruit of the Spirit

The Unexpected Gifts of Alzheimer's

Christian Defense Coalition to Join Prayer Vigil and News Conference on President Obama Supreme Court Pick

Christian Groups to Pray at Supreme Court After Announcement

Monday, May 25, 2009

Voolos - Clean, Christian Social Network, is 1 Year Old

Relic of St. Juan Diego's 'Tilma' Coming to Phoenix for Festival in August Festival to Feature Prayer, Lectures and an International Array of Entertainers

Judicial Nominee Excellent Opportunity to Build on Common Ground on Abortion -- K of C Supreme Knight Carl Anderson Make the Case

The Fate of Prop. 8 -- Mega Pastor and Statewide Leader for Natural Marriage, Dr. Jim Garlow, Stands Ready for the California Supreme Court Ruling on Proposition 8 Tomorrow at 10am . Will The Vote of the People be Upheld?

All 16 Christians Released from Prison in Henan

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Liberty University Student Group Op-Ed from Jerry Falwell, Jr.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

GFA Leader Calls Ralph Winter Death 'The Passing of a Giant,' Recalls His Influence

President Obama Refuses to Say that His Administration Wants to Reduce the Number of Abortions

Friday, May 22, 2009

Yes on Prop 8 Protect Marriage.com Leadership Comments on California Supreme Court's Ruling

Students Removed from Speaking at Graduation Due to Religious Beliefs

President Emeritus of The Foursquare Church, Rolf K. McPherson, Dead at 96

KS Gov. Becomes Puppet to Abortion Cartel-Vetoes Bill to Defund Planned Parenthood

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