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Wednesday, May 06, 2009

First Time Ever -- Christian/Muslim Dialogue Event

Authors Unite to Support Bible Study Leaders

Dr. Alan Keyes Coming to Notre Dame to be Arrested; Keyes Calls Abortion Foes to Come '...Until the South Bend Jail is Filled to Overflowing...'

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Bestselling Author Honored with Prestigious Award

Thomas Nelson, Inc. Announces Repackaged Graham Titles

Doing Missions in Tough Times

Hope for the Heart's Biblical Counseling Keys Received Enthusiastically by WORDsearch Users

Daystar Network Dishes Out National DVD Release of 'Captain Mac.A.Roni'

Monday, May 04, 2009

Do Something About Your Finances

18 Christians Arrested, 16 Still in Prison in Henan

Nepal Crisis Threatens New Freedoms

Christian Entrepreneur Mom Achieves Profitable Month in Tough Economy with Her Faith Inspired Baby Wear

Randall Terry to Hold Press Conference to Discuss Further Disruption at Notre Dame and to Call on Cardinal George to Retract his Original Statement

Author Uncovers Mystery Surrounding Small Town's 'Secular Saint'

Majority of American Adults Believe Strong Faith and Individual Initiative Are Key to Weathering Economic Storm

Cape Town: Protest Against 'Sexpo' -- May 15, 2009

National Financial Accountability Organization Announces Partnership with Care Net and Its Network of More Than 1,100 Pregnancy Resource Centers

U.S. Capitol Bible Reading Marathon Begins 90 Hours of Reading

Arrested at Notre Dame; Statement by Randall A. Terry

Saturday, May 02, 2009

MAF Dedicates Its First KODIAK Missionary Plane

Friday, May 01, 2009

Acceptance of Non-Traditional Church Activities a 'Back to Basics' Opportunity

Prolifers Arrested at Notre Dame During Peaceful Protest

Prominent Priest Warns of 'Supreme' Battle

Pro-lifers Put up Billboards on Indiana Toll Road Decrying Obama's Notre Dame Appearance

Susan B. Anthony List: Nominating an Abortion Extremist for Supreme Court Will Do Little to Reduce Abortion

National Organization for Marriage: Clarification on Carrie Prejean

National Day of Prayer LIVE on GOD TV

Abortion Will be Key Issue for Souter Replacement

New Resource to Better Communion with God

Thursday, April 30, 2009

National Organization for Marriage and Carrie Prejean Launch New Ad Showing Intolerance of Gay Marriage Activists, Illustrating Threats to Religious Liberty

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