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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Latest Pew Poll Shows 'Blame Social Conservatives First' Crowd is Wrong

'Blood Covered' Abortion Protests at Notre Dame: Pro-Lifers to Deliver 'Blood Covered' Dolls in Baby Carriages to Fr. Jenkins Office While Notre Dame Trustees Meet

President Obama's Flip on the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) Shows He Recognizes the American Public is not Ready to Embrace His Radical Abortion Agenda

Rededication of the USA to God – Free Color Prayer to Print

State Department Poised to Trade US Sovereignty for UN Council Seat

King Richard's...Making Churches Look Like Churches

The Awakening

Unnatural Family Advocates Seek to Suppress the Natural Family

Orange County Church Sees Silver Lining in Rise of Church Foreclosures

State Lawmakers Clash with Planned Parenthood Officials Over Undercover Footage; Unedited Undercover Videos Submitted to TN Law Enforcement

U.S. Capitol Bible Reading Marathon to Begin 90 Continuous Hours of Bible Reading on Sunday

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Gao Zhisheng Petition Delivered to State Department

Southern California Pro-Life Leader Taking Fight to University of Notre Dame

Schools Teach Elementary Kids about Homosexuality, Bisexuality and Other Sexual Orientations

'True Religion' Resonates at the Reagan

Laundry Bags and Bibles: The Ultimate Freshman Survival Kit

22 Groups Sponsor Ad Demanding DHS Secretary Napolitano's Removal

Heavenly Poems

Senate Confirms Tainted Sebelius to Head HHS

Athanatos Online Academy's Spring Session Features Greek Course for Laymen

A Lover's Quarrel with the Evangelical Church

It's Time to End Obama's 100-Day Honeymoon, Says Crouse

Celebrating Sixty Years: From Suicide to Salvation

Pastor's Wife Dies in Case of Suspected Swine Flu

Celebrate Month of God in US History in May -- Get Your Free Resources

Free Father Mattaos -- Coptic (Egyptian Christian) Priest is Unjustly Tried and Imprisoned in Egypt

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Enrollment Deadline Extended for 2009 National Bible Bee

Imprisoned Christian Alimujiang Yimiti Permitted to Meet with Attorney

Sebelius Confirmed by Divided Senate

Sebelius Confirmation Will Do Little to Diminish Mounting Opposition to President Obama's Radical Abortion Nominees

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