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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Golden Rule Pledge: An Alternative to Skipping School on the Day of Silence

New Book Offers Antidote to Collapse of Economy's Infrastructure

6 Air Crashes, And He Walked Away! 'I Never Fly Alone' New Book by Gary Jenkinson, Word Productions, May 2009

Connecting the Dots: The Link Between Gay Marriage, Mass Murders and Growing Unemployment

Media Event Following NJ 'Choose Life' License Plate Hearing at 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals

Can the Recession Cause You to Pack on the Pounds?

Monday, April 13, 2009

Abortion, Obama – Now Georgetown – 'Catholic' Georgetown University Follows her Treacherous Sister Notre Dame, Invites Obama to Speak; Pro-Lifers to Protest

Atheists Angry About Nothing

Gun Saint Society Commends U.S. Navy for Phillips Rescue

Psychotherapist's Memoir Reveals Personal History of Abuse and Reconciliation

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Sebelius Not Telling the Truth About Tiller in Answers to Senate Committee

Friday, April 10, 2009

Catholics and other Christians Consider Easter Very Important; Most Plan Church Attendance

White House Prayer Showdown

Medical and Legal Professionals Urge HHS to Enforce the Law Obama Administration Poised to Rescind Conscience Protection

Louisiana Governor Jindal Signs Proclamation - April as Abortion Recovery Awareness Month

Obama's Easter Message: America Arrogant, Derisive, Divisive... and Not Christian

Os Hillman to Address Kingdom Economic Yearly Summit (KEYS) April 22-25 in Austin, TX

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Catholic Identity Card Launches at Easter to Proclaim Personal Faith & Promote the Priesthood

Anti-Obama Anti-Abortion Protester Punched in the Face at Notre Dame Entrance

Mr. Obama Manages to Offend Millions of Christians During Holy Week

Thomas More Society Sponsors Easter Sunrise Service in Chicago's Daley Plaza

The Busy-Body Book of Fun-Anatomy Tunes: New Children's Book Combines Anatomy, Music and Religion

Feder: Times Omitted Most Memorable Line in Obama's Turkey Speech

Parental Rights Amendment Gains Momentum

Mr. Roachy Goes to Washington - Why We March

Responding to Economic Challenges, the American Bible Society Offers Free Bibles for Easter

Obama, Notre Dame, Abortion Tension Mounts: Good Friday Protests at White House, and in Dallas, Los Angeles, and Fort Wayne

Top 10 Videos for Easter Service

Bad Times Make Good Neighbors: An Increase in Christian Volunteering Due to Economy

Catholics and other Christians Consider Easter Very Important; Most Plan Church Attendance

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