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Monday, April 06, 2009

Tiller's Troubles Far From Over as More KSBHA Complaints Advance

135-City 40 Days for Life Campaign Ends; Many Communities Eager to Keep Going

United Church of Christ Renewal Leader Apologizes to Citizens, Christians of Iowa

Inside N. Korea: Nightmare -- While World Leaders Discuss Rocket Launch, North Koreans Suffer More Scrutiny, Starvation

Last Chance to Enroll in the National Bible Bee

Pro-Family Coalition Urges Student Walkout for Schools' Pro-Homosexuality Event

The Nation's Largest Christian Music Festivals - The Creation Festivals - Announce Plans for Stellar 2009 Year

Global Financial Crisis Presents Timely Backdrop for the Kingdom Economic Summit April 22-25 in Austin, Texas

Obama, Notre Dame, and Abortion: Protests in Chicago at Notre Dame's Chairman of Board, and Notre Dame Board Fellow

Former Record Label Executive Bill Traylor Joins Sky Angel

Friday, April 03, 2009

Georgia Legislature Passes Nation's First Embryo Adoption Law

Grassroots Pro-Life Forces Defeat 'Illinois FOCA;' Pro-Life Action League Declares Victory in Fight Against HB-2354

Notre Dame Student Coalition Announces First Official Demonstration -- Palm Sunday April 5th 2PM on Campus -- Demands University Not Bestow Honorary Law Degree to President Obama

Extremists Attempt to Murder Missionary; Attack Well-Drilling Team

World Congress of Families Responds to Iowa Court Legislating Same-Sex Marriage: Carlson's Expert Testimony Ruled Inadmissible by Judge

Iowa Voters Must Demand That Iowa Legislature Place Rock-Solid Marriage Amendment on Ballot to Override Judges' Homosexual 'Marriages'

Hate Crime Charge Filed over Racial, Religious and Homophobic Slurs in Abortion Controversy

Concerned Women for America of IOWA Urges Iowans to pursue Constitutional Amendment in Light of State Supreme Court's Activist Ruling on Same Sex Marriage

8 Human Rights Groups in China Issue Unprecedented Open Statement to Government

Iowa Same-Sex 'Marriage' Ruling an Assault on Midwestern Values, Says AFTAH's LaBarbera

Grand Canyon University Announces Military Scholarship Discount

Effexor Baby's Grieving Mother Protests Potential MOTHERS Act, Warns Others

Join Matthew 10 and Lost Sheep Ministries 'Under the Bridge' April 8th

Balancing Monks Coming to Branson

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Catholic Clergy Remember Pope JP2 and Challenge ND

Virgin Mary Appears at NY Art Expo

Mark Tooley Named New President of IRD

This Easter Behold 'The Passion: From The Holy Land Experience' on Sky Angel's 'Angel Two' Channel

Abortion Questions Remain Unasked at Final Sebelius Hearing

Texas Governor Recognizes that Abortion Hurts Women -- Proclaims April as Abortion Recovery Awareness Month

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