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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Moses' Stone Tablets Paved the Way for the Testaments of Jesus Christ

How to Start a Q Place

Church Executive Author Says 'Gun Violence is Changing the Legal Culture'; Horrific Maryville, IL, Tragedy Demonstrates that Sorry Truth

Marketing Expert on a Mission to Help Churches Think Smart About Advertising and Marketing

Barbie: 50 Years of Culture Domination ... Good or Bad for Our Daughters and Our 'Top Model/Body Conscious' Society

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

'Raise Your Hand' Video Breaks New Ground; Gives Voice to Aborted Babies

Alarming Attempt to Muzzle Catholic Church in Connecticut

The State of the Union Address on Morality from The United Saints of America.us Streamed 'Live' March 15th, 2009 at 4pm on www.THEIETN.com

'Mama King' -- Stop All the Bloody Pain

The Largest Content Safe, Family-Friendly Social Network Debuts & Offers 291 Million Americans a Powerful New Way to Connect for Support in These Tough Economic Times

10-Year-Old Nonprofit Creates Community Religion News Web Site

BOND Action Launches 'Stop Obama's Socialist Change' Tour and Campaign

Six Years in and Relevant is Just Getting Started

Mr. President: Taxpayer Funding of Embryo Killing is Inappropriate and Immoral

Marketing Expert on a Mission to Help Churches Think Smart about Advertising and Marketing

Monday, March 09, 2009

'I Have Lost My Job, Health Insurance and Home. What am I Going to do?' -- New York Author Receives Increased National Media Attention with New Book, 'The Bilhah Moment: How to Wait on God in Desperate Times'

President Obama Kills Ban on Federal Funding of Embryonic Stem Cell Research and a Few Other Good Things, as Well

Georgia Takes Action: SB 169 to Protect Human Embryos

Connecting Millions of Christian Households to Leaders of Faith Through 'MyFaithDaily.com' - The Faith Centered Social Networking Site

Protecting Your Church from Crime and Violence

God is Not so Distant When a Child Needs Help

Legislative Attack on Connecticut's Catholic Church Poses Threat to all Churches

'What's with President Barack Obama's Rush to Kill?' -- Asks Day Gardner, National Black Pro-Life Union

Carhart Ordered to Close Immediately for Operating Illegally

Government's Lethal Exploitation of the Most Vulnerable of Human Beings

Pastor Killed While Preaching, How Can the Church Protect Against This

IFI Statement on Pres. Obama's Order for Taxpayer Funding of Embryonic Stem Cell Research

Obama Overturns Another Pro-Life Policy

Executive Director of Catholic Think Tank Criticizes President Obama's Move to Lift Restrictions on 'Immoral' and Scientifically Limited Embryo Destructive Research

Response to Obama Rescinding Limits on Federal Funding of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research

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