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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Tide Reaches the World One Radio at a Time

Pro-Life Action League Deploys Secret Weapon in Abortion Battle

Leading Missional Church Website Partners with Christianity Today International

Pre-emptive Strike Launched Against Possible Sebelius Nomination to HHS

ESPN Analyst Mike Gottfried and Team Focus

Shared Hope International Calls for Prosecution of Buyers Following FBI Sex Trafficking Sting

New Audio Book Publisher Launched

ClearlyU Bible Lets Kids Choose Their Own Bible Design

National Survey Shows Giving to Evangelical Ministries Higher than Expected in Economic Downturn

Sunday. Satan's Day Of Rest.

International 40 Days for Life Campaign Focuses on Prayer, Fasting - and Healing

Mega-Church Pastor's Son Tells His Own True Story

Learn How to Deal with Tough Economic Times through Dr. A. G. Green's New Book 'Why Faith Your Guide to Surviving and Thriving in Tough Times'

Recession's Surprising Impact: New Study Says Teens Now More Aware of the Needs of Others

Orlando Magic to Host Faith and Family Night March 6

E. Ray Moore, Jr. to Speak on Importance of Christian Education at 'Institute On The Constitution's' March 6 'First Friday' Lecture

Monday, February 23, 2009

The 2009 Best Christian Workplaces

Virginia Senate Kills Prayer 'In Jesus Name'

IRD Salutes Oscar Winner and Human Rights Advocate Megan Mylan

On Oscar Weekend, NPR Highlights Rival Christian Film Movement and Awards Ceremony

Bishop Elected in Episcopal Church Holds Buddhist Ordination

GMC to Launch New Comedy Series

Prosecutor Continues to Stonewall on Criminal Charges in Hialeah Baby Murder Case

New Growth Press Makes Special Offer to Pastors and Counselors with the Counseling Resource Program

Archbishop Dolan--Perfect For New York says Catholic League President Bill Donohue

Obama's Overreach on Abortion Lends Hope to Pro-Lifers

Will God Use France to Reach Europe for Jesus

Will the Real Monkey Stand Up!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

TSPM Working in Collusion with the Government to Persecute House Church Christians

Friday, February 20, 2009

Carlson Addresses EU Ministerial Conference on Child Care in Prague

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