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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Kicking Addictions for the New Year

More than 'Mutual Joy': Lisa Miller of Newsweek against Scripture and Jesus

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Historic Catholic Mass to be Held at Downtown Chicago's Federal Plaza

Abortion Healing, Not Government Checks, Can Restore Russia's Dwindling Population Says Rachel's Vineyard Founder

Christian Writers' Conference in Los Angeles Area

Advent Film Group Presents 'Lessons From COME WHAT MAY Movie' at the January 2009 Christian Filmmakers Academy

UN Gathering Commemorates 60th Anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights

5.4 Million Names Submitted to UN in Favor of the Family and the Right to Life

What does Evangelical Lobbyist Really Believe

Examining Leadership Transition Within the Multi-Generation Workplace

HLI Lauds Grand Duke for Refusing to Sign Death Bill

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Pastor 'Bike' Zhang Attempts to File Administrative Complaint with Support of 15 Chinese Legal Professionals and Intellectuals; Court Declines Case

Richard Viguerie on Rod Blagojevich: 'There's Still Time to Save America from Becoming One Big Chicago'

The Thanksgiving Game(tm) Setting Sales Records in Initial Year; Featured on The 700 Club, K-Love Radio and National Newspapers

Dove Foundation Review: Sky Angel's TV Service 'An Answer to Prayer'

New York Times Provides a Platform for Ex-Terrorist Bill Ayers

Give Your Daughter the Gift of Grace

Discovering the Truth About Mental Illness

U.S. West and SoCal Set to Hear Vassula Ryden Speak During Worldwide Christian Unity Week

Pelosi Confirms War on Christmas

Experience the World's Premier Digital Gospel Entertainment Magazine

American Teens Lie, Steal, Cheat at an 'Alarming Rate' New Study Shows: Awana and David C. Cook Partner on New Project for Parents, Teachers, and Youth Workers--How to Grow Great Kids

300,000 Names Submitted to UN in Favor of Right to Life

Monday, December 08, 2008

Pro-Life Unity Appoints Vice-President Major Samuel Mosteller

Terrorism in Mumbai Bringing Attention to Long-Term Problems in India

Fitness and Weight Loss Expert Chantel Hobbs Available for New York City In-Studio Interviews December 12 -14

Iraqi Christians Persecuted says Former Governor David Beasley on Huckabee Show

'In God We Trust' to Oppose Attempt to Place Atheist Sign in Washington D.C.

One Year Later, Microloans Continue to Provide Hope in Southern Sudan Village

Remarks by President Bush and the First Lady at Children's Holiday Reception and Performance

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