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Monday, March 17, 2008

Filmmakers Answer James Dobson's Call for a New Generation of Christian Leaders

Why Do We Celebrate Easter

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Sunday: Coalition to Hold Prayer Vigil and Lay Roses in Front of Chinese Embassy to Honor Those Who Have Been Brutally Killed in Tibet

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Christian Defense Coalition Condemns China's Violent Crushing of Human Rights, Tyranny and Oppression in Tibet

Radio Address by President Bush to the Nation

Obama's Strategic Dissing of Pastor an Ugly Thing

Friday, March 14, 2008

Libraries Must Report Child Pornography to Police

California Bill Would Disincentivize Marriage

South Dakota Ultrasound Law Will Save Babies' Lives, Spare Women Torment Say 'Silent No More' Leaders

Oncologists at University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences are Either Liars or Uninformed, says Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer

40 Days for Life Effort Wraps Up Sunday; Lives Saved, Awareness Raised

Global Institute For Transformation® (GIFT) Announces the Availability of Over 100 Scripture Posters, Note Cards and Yard Signs to Encourage Christ-Like Transformations Through the Renewing of our Minds

Statement by the First Lady During a Visit with Students Participating in the Idejen Program

Thursday, March 13, 2008

IRN USA Radio News Merger Gives Listeners 2500+ Air Waves of Real News

ACLU Intimidates and Seeks to Deny Free Speech to Christians

Guest Availability on Russia's New President and Politics

2nd Annual Candlelight Forum to Draw Producers, Writers and Directors of Positive-Value Entertainment to DGA on April 1st

The Best Preparation for Marriage--And It's Not Living Together

Generation Life Calls for Greater Attention to Chastity Education in Light of News that 1 in 4 Teen Girls has an STD

New CDC Study Sees High Rate of Sexually-Transmitted Diseases in Teens; Teen Expert Addresses 'Sexually-Transmitted' Emotional, Spiritual Issues

Crouse Sees Political Shifts Among Evangelicals

Entries Being Accepted for Second Annual Courageous Leadership Award

Archbishop's Death Brutal Reminder of Jihadi Extremism

White House 'Compassion in Action' Roundtable Highlights Partnerships with Faith-Based and Community Organizations to Combat Hunger at Home and Abroad

GOD TV to Air 'BattleCry' Live This Month

New Christian Storybook Deepens Parent-Child Relationship While Fostering Literacy

What If Everything You Thought You Knew About Sex Was Wrong

Statement by President Bush on FISA

Close This Clinic: Abortionist's Trash Reveals Criminal Violations

How are You Covering the Pope's Visit to America

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