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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Spitzer's Other DMV 'License' Issue

Pro-Life Leaders Challenge Terry's Claim that He was 'Forced' to Settle NOW Lawsuit

Excerpts from the President's Remarks at the Federalist Society's 25th Anniversary

Remarks by the President and First Lady at Presentation of the 2007 National Medals of Arts and National Humanities Medals

New Predictions of the End Times

New Christmas Song Distributed Free to Our Troops

Ex-Inmate Theatre Launches in Boise -- First in Nation

Church Construction Expert Bruce C. Anderson to Give 29,000 Pastors a Ph.D. in Church Design and Construction

FLAME Unveils 'Discipling From A Distance' Website

The Unifying Factor for Faith and Values Voters This Presidential Season

Pastor Bryan Longworth Warns: Expect Even Higher Rates of Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, HIV, and Other STI Infections if Graphic, Explicit, Risky Condom Ed Curricula is Implemented

'Message from God' -- A Powerful New Voice in Christian Circles

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

HisHolySpace Endorses Mike Huckabee for President

Only One Front-Runner has Not Compromised on Deal-Breaker Issues -- Mike Huckabee

Catholic Ethics Institute Sees Risk and Opportunity in Monkey Cloning Announcement

Gospel Music Channel Offers a Feast for Thanksgiving; 'Reflections' and 'Hometown' on the Menu

Thompson Campaign to Romney: National Right to Life Cannot Be Bribed

Authors Poulsen and Lankford Lead Women on Pilgrimage to Recover Lost Pieces of Their Lives

Priests for Life Comments on Bishops' Election Document

'Grassley Six' Likely Probed for Three Areas, ECFA Head Tells Church Executive Magazine

National Pro-Life Leader Endorses Mike Huckabee

In Praise of Rebellion: New Documentary Wins Critical Acclaim

What Is God's Greatest Gift to Parents? Mom of Six Has the Answer

Ohio Christian Alliance Calls on Attorney General Dann to Apologize for Bigoted Remark

'Noëlle' Movie Offers Inspirational Message of Forgiveness and Second Chances for the Christmas Season

United Methodist Bishops Call for Immediate U.S. Iraq Withdrawal?Again

Former Senator Fred Thompson to Keynote Conservative Christian Dinner on Friday November 16, 2007 in Hollywood, Florida

Till We Meet Again: New Book Depicts Images of Heaven to Cope with Loss

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

New Filmmakers Give Us a 'Glimpse of Grace' Director Says

Conference Rethinks Methods, Not Gospel Message

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