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Monday, October 15, 2007

Pro-Life Pharmacists Do Not Sign Illinois Settlement -- Court Rules Pharmacists Have Rights of Conscience

11th Annual Hollywood Film Festival Screens 'The Forgotten People' Music Video

New Book Inspires Hope

November Mideast Summit to Transfer Temple Mount to Jordanian Control

Prayers for Peace in Jerusalem Have Global Impact

White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives Convenes 'Compassion in Action Roundtable' to Discuss Human Trafficking

Undercover Tapes Reveal Illegal Concealment of Child Rape at Kansas Abortion Mills

Thousands of Students at Campuses Nationwide Lose Their Voices on Oct. 23

CAA President Met with UN Secretary General at Global Leadership Forum; Bob Fu Interviewed By CBN on Bible Supplies in China

Faith-based Financial Accountability Organization Launches Salary Comparison Tool on Web

God's Eviction Notice

Psychologist Voices Disagreement with APA's Support of Same-Sex Marriage, Points to Adverse Impact on Children

Love Isn't Enough: 5 Reasons Why Same-Sex Marriage Will Harm Children

Fr. Euteneuer Applauds Bishop McManus for Defense of Church

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Livin It Festival Brings Action Sports and Good News to Southern California

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Radio Address by the President to the Nation

CCG Chairman Comments California Governor Schwarzenegger Signs SB 777 Anti-Family Viewpoint Discrimination Bill

Friday, October 12, 2007

Arnold Schwarzenegger Signs Bills Forcing Schools to Promote Transsexuality, Bisexuality, and Homosexuality to Five Year Olds

ABC Drama Labels Abstinence Educators Murderous Liars, Compares American Youth to Parasites

Remarks by the President on Trade Policy

The Associated Press Gets it Wrong

Columbia Grad School Student Nabs Top Prize in Chandler Contest for Student Religion Reporting

RNA's Templeton Awards Honor Two Veteran Religion Reporters

New Book Offers Hope for Evangelical Christian Families with Gay Loved Ones

Gospel Music Association and The American Bible Society Form Ministry Partnership to Celebrate Songwriters and the Bible

Sudan on the Brink of Another Disaster

Anne Needs to Humble Herself

The Great Debate: Is Islam a Religion of Peace

Do You Disagree with President George W. Bush

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Promise Keepers Launches All-New 'PKAdventureTM' in 14 Cities -- New Outreach to Men Includes Saturday Cinema and Community Service Events

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