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Monday, July 30, 2007

Persecution of Christians Increasing, but Most Americans Unaware

American Teens Respond to Africa's Challenges

Institute Denounces Planned US Arms Sales Package to Saudi Arabia

Christian Apologist Warns that the Christian Church is Losing in the War of Ideas, Points Out that the Church itself is Producing Atheists

The Episcopal Church: A Safehaven for Homosexuals

The Man Behind 'Amazing Grace'

Sunday, July 29, 2007

What About the Groom?

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Radio Address by the President to the Nation

Friday, July 27, 2007

Remarks by the President in Presentation of 2005 and 2006 National Medals of Science and Technology

Crouse Appointed to Board of Reference of Media Commission

Christian Media Group Reaches out to Soap Audience

Remarks by the President After Meeting with Economic Team

Statement by the President

Raven Moon Entertainment and National Association for Health and Fitness Co-operate in Promoting 'Let's Get Fit with Gina D' PSA

FX's 'Rescue Me' Rips Catholicism

Thursday, July 26, 2007

UK Rockers Reunite

Remarks by the President and the First Lady in a Special Olympics Global Law Enforcement Torch Run Ceremony

Remarks by the President to the American Legislative Exchange Council

Walter Koenig Visits Christian Freedom International's Freedom House and Vocational School

Grandmother Walks 4,026.5 Miles to Pray for America

Pastors: Don't Overstep Your Authority

Iraq War Vet 'Spit On' by Democrat Senators

Ho-ly Milestone: Ho Translation Marks Film's 1,000th Translation

Personal Friend of Pope to Answer Criticism of Pontiff's Controversial Statements on Latin Mass, Protestants

Pro-life Youth Organization to Protest MTV in New York City

Life Coach and Best Selling Author Paula White's Life by Design Empowerment Conference Overwhelming Success Served Over 3,500; Plans for Additional Conferences

Beijing House Church Activist Hua Huiqi Released; Four House Church Leaders Still Detained

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Rosary Rallies Planned for Fatima Anniversary

At Long Last, Freedom is Ringing for Burma's Refugees

New Small Group Study Fosters 'Culture of Stewardship'

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