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Monday, May 21, 2007

Forum to Present Christian Conservative Views--'Evangelicals, United or Divided?' will Contrast with Sojourners' Panel Featuring Clinton, Obama and Edwards

Vote Life, Canada! in Open Letter to Calgary Bishop Frederick Henry Denounces Recent Decision To Suppress GAP Display of Canadian Center for Bio-Ethical Reform

Christian Health Care Provider Dr. Kip Johnson Develops Thinergetics

Tickets Now On Sale For Third Annual Revelation Generation Music Festival, Labor Day Weekend 2007

1864 Lincoln-Johnson Campaign Button Becomes Money for Missions

'Sweep Week' Documentary on ION Network Examines Heroes and Miracles that Have Moved the World to Tears

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Falwell Sons Cancel Press Conference

Luis Palau Nashville Cityfest Rocks Middle Tennessee

Saturday, May 19, 2007

DA Foulston Chats with Pro-Life Leaders During Prayer Vigil

Oregon Inter-Faith Pro-Life Group Protests Inner City Planned Parenthood

Supreme Knight Carl Anderson Calls for Hemispheric Unity Among Catholics

Radio Address by President Bush to the Nation

Friday, May 18, 2007

Five Detained Xinjiang Church Leaders Released After International Pressure

World Congress of Families IV Issues Warsaw Declaration

The Devil Hates Pastor Falwell

Steve Amerson to Sing at Medal of Honor Museum Gala

Rush of Fool's Single 'Undo' Holds #1 Position on Multiple Radio Charts for the Fourth Consecutive Week as Self-Titled Debut Project Becomes #1 Christian Album on iTunes

Voter Fraud and Felonies Brought by Lawless Illegal Immigrants

Rev. Jerry Falwell's Funeral Service, Liberty University Graduation to be Televised via Sky Angel on Falwell's Liberty Channel

Are Connecticut Family Planning Clinics Protecting Men Who Rape Children?

Abducted and Tortured Missionary Stands Firm Against Judicial Tyranny

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Media Details for Funeral Service of Jerry Falwell

James C. Stanley Named to ProVision Network's Board of Directors

Triggers in Amnesty Bill Called 'Bogus and Offensive to American Citizens' New Plan Automatically Grants Illegal Aliens Legal Status Before Triggers are Even Considered

UCLA Student Who Exposed Planned Parenthood Child Sex Cover-Up to Appear on O'Reilly Factor Tonight

Oklahoma Artist to Honor Fallen Heroes at DC Event

United Methodist Official Opposed to Old Glory?

Jerry Falwell, Jr and Jonathan Falwell to Hold Press Conference to Discuss Future of Liberty University and Thomas Road Baptist Church

Press Conference to Unveil Unprecedented Alliance of Veterans, Lawyers to Defend Memorials, Religious Symbols

Washington Post Admits Bible Marathon Coverage 'Unfair'

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