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Sunday, May 06, 2007

Washington Post Column Reveals Anti-Christian Animus

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Radio Address by President Bush to the Nation

Friday, May 04, 2007

Liberals on United Methodist Judicial Council Disenfranchise African Churches

Jordan Rubin's Extraordinary Health Show Debuts May 7 on Trinity Broadcasting Network

IRD Supports CANA, All Orthodox Anglicans on Eve of Bishop Martyn Minns' Installation

Hate Crimes Battle Moves to the Senate

'America's Chaplain' Dr. Suzan Johnson Cook, Calls on Americans to Remember Our Military Moms this Mother's Day

Kansas Legislature Squanders Opportunity to Charge Tiller

Rick Warren, Purpose-Driven Pornography?

Tyra Banks says "So What!' We say 'Skinny Models Off the Runway Pleaseeeee!'

Groups Urge Young People to Pray and Fast on the First Friday of Every Month Beginning June 1, 2007

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Christian Groups Call Students to Prayer and Purity

Former Presidents George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton Help Dedicate New Billy Graham Library in Charlotte

CWA Thanks President Bush for 'Hate Crimes' Veto Pledge

Remarks by President Bush on the National Day of Prayer

Controversial Joseph Farah of WorldNetDaily is Available for Interviews

Anti-Prayer Atheist's Son Returns to High Court for National Day of Prayer

Teen Says: 'Sky Angel Rocks!'

Baghdad Prayer Patrol Releases Special Plea for American Soldiers on National Day of Prayer

Peoplepray.Com® Launches Blog on National Day of Prayer

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

California's Experience: 'Hate Crimes' Laws Have Resulted in Transsexual Kindergarten Teachers and Pro-Family Businesses Being Threatened With $150,000 in Government Fines

How Frequently Do the Chronically Ill Attend Church?

Reality TV Misses Reality of Giving

Resolution Supports SBC President's Call for More Churches to Start Christian Schools

Persecution Against Believers Intensified in Xinjiang; American Christian Leaders and Interpreter Released after International Pressure

World Congress of Families Mourns Passing of Archbishop Majdanski

Presiding Bishop's Letter against CANA Installation Adds Insult to Injury

ABC Reschedules Debate About God

Missouri Supreme Court Says Parents Have Rights Too

CWA Says Abstinence Prevents Teen Pregnancy

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