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Thursday, April 19, 2007

Population Research Institute Responds to Attack by Left-Wing Members of European Parliament

Wilberforce Project Announces Launch of THE BETTER HOUR Activities, Plus Other Projects to Honor 200th Anniversary Year of William Wilberforce's Triumph Over the Slave Trade

NJ Pro-Life Groups Call on U.S. Attorney Chris Christie to Enforce Partial Birth Abortion Ban in NJ

Was Virginia Tech Massacre a Hate Crime? Absurdity of Hate Crimes Legislation

Spirit 1 Broadcasting Says -- Time Slots Filing Up Fast

Pro-Family Americans Asked To Contact 'American Idol'

Rabbi Daniel Lapin Signs WDC Media as Agency of Record

'Amen for Safe Sex!' Declares Planned Parenthood

News Conf. at NJ Late-Term Abortion Clinic: Enforce Ban on Partial-Birth Abortion

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Institute Delegation Returns from Khartoum, Darfur

Institute Denounces Murder of Employees of Christian Publishing House

Supreme Court Upholds Ban on Infanticide Procedure

90% of Life is 'Just Plain Peanut Butter and Jelly'

Pro-Life Activists to Call for Department of Justice to Enforce Ban on Partial-Birth Abortion at a News Conference in Front of New Jersey Late-Term Abortion Clinic

Partial Birth Abortion Ban Upheld!

Tonight at 4:30 p.m. - Survivors Campus Life Tour to Speak Out on Partial Birth Abortion Ban at California State Capitol

Sandra Cano 'Doe' and 180 Women Hurt by Abortion Applaud Supreme Court's Ban on Abortion

Partial-Birth Abortion Ban, Upheld By the Supreme Court, a Major Victory for a Just Society

NCBC Applauds Supreme Court Decision

IRD Commends Supreme Court on Upholding Ban on Partial Birth Abortion

Released Church Leaders in Henan and Inner Mongolia File Lawsuit Against Government Abusers

Feminists For Life President Reacts to Supreme Court Ruling Upholding the Ban on Partial Birth Abortion

Supreme Court Votes to Protect Babies from Painful Abortion

Day Gardner, President of National Black Pro-Life Union, Statement on Partial Birth Abortion Ban

Pro-Life Crisis Pregnancy and Ultrasound Team to Target Late Term Abortion Mill in Englewood, NJ -- Thursday Morning, April 19th

Statement by President Bush on Supreme Court Decision on Partial-Birth Abortion

Roe Begins to Crumble with High Court Ruling, Pro-Life Activist Declares

Brownback Applauds Supreme Court Decision to Uphold Partial Birth Abortion Ban

The Pope Should Take a Stand on Creation

Christian Coalition of America Says 'Roe v. Wade' Endangered with Today's Supreme Court Victory Upholding Partial Birth Abortion Ban

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