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Monday, April 16, 2007

International Evangelist Dan Owens Returns to Gitega Burundi Africa with Thousands of Bibles and Agricultural Aid Packages for New Believers

Operation Rescue Uncovers Tiller History of Illegal Abortions

Alcorn Crafts a Strong Detective Mystery in 'Deception'

Boycott the 'Day of Silence'

African-American Woman Cranks Up 27-Year Niche

Revelation Generation Music Festival to Announce 2007 All-Star Lineup on April 27th

For the Perfect Cleanse: Jordan Rubin's Book on Women's Health Recommends Spring Cleaning Your Home and Your Body

Concerning the Comments of Talk Show Host Don Imus -- A Statement by Dr. Alveda King

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Radio Address by President Bush to the Nation

Friday, April 13, 2007

TBN Seeks Next Generation of Faith and Family Friendly Programming by Inspiring Producers with Challenging 'INNOVATE' Contest

Is Gay Indoctrination the Alternative to Polish Education Bill

Faith2Action to Purchase National Airtime to Combat Hate Crimes Bill

Silver Dollar City's Giant Swing Debuts With Roller-Coaster Speeds, Message of God's Love

Thompson Leading Republican Pack in Nationwide Internet Straw Poll

Remarks by the President After Meeting with Parochial Education Leaders and Parents

CWA Says Study Debunking Abstinence is Flawed

Christian Network Says: 'Quality Programming Near Impossible to Find Because the Church Has Become So Apostate - Sharpton and Jackson Are Good Examples'

CWA Sues FDA Over Unlawful Approval of Morning-After Pill

Church Events a Growing Boon to Local Economies, Study Finds

Remarks by President Bush at National Catholic Prayer Breakfast

Christian Defense Coalition Condemns the Selective Morality of the Reverends Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton Concerning the Don Imus Controversy

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Husband Appreciation Day: April 15, 2007

Does Holocaust Remembrance Day Cause More anti-Semitism Instead of Reducing It

Statement by Judge Roy Moore Concerning Senator Obama

New Video Urges 'Tiller The Killer' Be Brought to Justice

Morality in Media President Applauds Advertisers For Pulling the Plug on Imus But Says Advertisers Should Also Pull Plug on Music Channels That Daily Pour Forth Swill That Makes Imus Look Tame

CWA Deplores Imus' Remarks as Indicative of a Culture that Demeans Women

Remarks by the President After Meeting on No Child Left Behind Reauthorization

Literary Challenge Aims at Inspiring National Discussion and Renewed Appreciation of the Bible

Coalition Berates American Cancer Society for Withholding Cancer Evidence

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