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Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Additional Scholars and Family Activists Join WCF Participant Lineup

John Rhys-Davies Endorses New Audio Drama that Puts God Back into History

Republican Congressional Leadership Fails America's Children, Their Mothers and the Pro-life Movement by Not Defunding Planned Parenthood

Tuesday, September 01, 2015

Foundation Stands with Defiant Kentucky Clerk

2015's Largest Conference Line-Up of Experts on The Bible & Homosexuality -- Clarity Conference

World Celebration of Holy Communion, Lords Supper on Facebook Go Live with Arthur Blessitt

Jewish Voice with Jonathan Bernis Expands, Refreshes TV Broadcast International Television Show Significantly Grows Programming with Move to Daily Broadcast

Today Begins National Preparedness Month: Does GOD Support Having an Emergency Backup Plan?

This is a Prophetic Warning for the Church to Become Ready as the End Days Draw Closer

58 Organizations: California AG Kamala Harris's Illegal, Extortionate Privacy Violations Designed to Silence Critics of Politicians

New Video & Letter to Congress Show Evidence Planned Parenthood Profits from Fetal Tissue, is Stonewalling Criminal Investigations

Bott Radio Network Expands in Indiana

M. Russell Ballard, Apostle of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, to Speak at World Congress of Families IX

The Church Of Acts Announces Daniel's 70th Week Begins September 23, 2015

Monday, August 31, 2015

17 Cardinals and Counting

Ambassador Ade Adefuye's Transition is a Big Loss, But He Would Not Be Forgotten

Free Community Youth Rally Against Bullying and Youth Suicide

New Book Reveals God's Love as Family Deals with Sex Addiction

Researcher Claims Discovery of 'Jesus in the Stars'

Sunday, August 30, 2015

After 3 Years in Court, 12,000 Members Victoriously Return to Mega Church

Friday, August 28, 2015

Local Foundation Springs to Little Sisters' Defense

Though Most Know Little About Him, Pope Viewed Favorably by Americans

Alpha Omega Publications Releases 18 New Courses for Ignitia Online Curriculum

Thomas More Society Defends David Daleiden as He Uncovers Abortion Industry's Sale of Fetal Body Parts

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Assemblies of God Honors Verna Linzey on 50th Anniversary as an Active Minister

Ebony Magazine Throws Black Babies Under the Bus as They White Wash Truth about PP Founder Margaret Sanger

The John Paul II International Film Festival Marks Its Five-Year Anniversary

OCP Pledges to Support the V Encuentro

Hume Lake Christian Camps Assesses Fire Impact

Alveda King -- The Tip of the PP Iceberg: Below the Surface of the Water is More Evil and More of Our Tax Dollars

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