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Thursday, July 23, 2009

1,049 Rosary Rally Captains Get Ready

Common Ground or Slippery Slope?

Operation Rescue Demands Retraction and Apology for Faulty Abortion Report

Profoundly Refreshing Encounters with Jesus

Major Pro-Life Event Tonight: Stop the Abortion Mandate Webcast at 9:00pm EST

Three Out, Three Remain as Gospel Dream Nears Finish

New Film Workshop Seeks to Turn Hollywood 'Rightside-Up'

Sharpton, Harvard Prof 'Abusing Police While Black,' Says Rev. Peterson

Beating Cancer is Greater than the Tour De France

156 Leading Conservatives to Senate: Obama's Supreme Court Nominee Disqualified

Dr. Alveda King to Join African American Leaders in Calling for No Abortion in Health Care Bill

Americans Unite to Boycott American Girl Products and Mattel Toy Corporation

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Oral Roberts University to be the Exclusive Educational Strategic Partner of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference

Will President Obama Continue the Acknowledged 'Tradition' of Keeping Federal Tax Dollars Away from Abortion?

Adventures In Missions Announces Free Missions Conference

New 'Science Czar' is From a Different Planet

Using YouTube and Text Messages to Reach Muslims

Author/Workshop Leader Helps Broken Men Heal from the Aftermath of Childhood Sexual Abuse

'FAITH' Can Move Mountains

Riveting Insights into the Dark World of Deception

Verse for Verse; Poetry Paired with Scripture

Jimmy Carter is Wrong

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

New Survey Reveals Shocking Data about People's Perceptions of Homelessness

Wanted: A Craigslist Alternative That's Safe for Families

New Poll Provides More Evidence that Abortion Hurts Women Say 'Silent No More' Leaders

Not One Dime For Tax-Funded Abortion in Obama's Health Care Plan

Tough Answers for Social Issues -- Hidden Behind Closed Doors

JACQUES Initiative Joins Maryland AIDS Administration to Extend HIV Testing to the Faith-Based Community

Semi-Finals of Gospel Dream Weds. July 22 at 10PM ET on GMC

Cloud Ten Pictures to Distribute 'The River Within'

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