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Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Evangelical Voters Favor McCain by Wide Margins

The 'Pro-Life Good News Story of the Week': Hope of Pregnancy Centers Advances

40 Days for Life: Pro-Lifers Must Look Beyond Elections and Focus on Making a Local Impact

Two New Resources Available for Those Who Want to Help Abuse Victims

Brazilian Churches to Conduct One of the Largest Christian Evangelistic Efforts in History

Richard Viguerie: All Republican Congressional Leaders Should Resign... or Grassroots Conservatives will Withhold Support from the GOP

Christian Coalition of America Applauds Voters in California, Florida and Arizona for Abolishing Homosexual 'Marriages'

Prominent Beijing Rights Defense Lawyers Fired from Law Firm

The U.S. Elected Obama Because of Sean Hannity & Co.

Colorado Personhood Momentum Expands to the National Scene

Pro-Life Election Day Setbacks Will Only Re-Energize the Fight for Life

Major National Pro-Life Campaign Announced by Christian Defense Coalition After Senator Obama's Victory in 2008 Presidential Election

McCain Lost Because He Failed to Expose Obama's Far Left Record on Abortion and Homosexual 'Marriage'

SBA List President Praises Bachmann Victory

Billy Graham Turns 90 as Nation Transitions to New Leadership

SBA List President Praises Graves, Leutkemeyer Victories

Statement on Proposition 8 Passing by Ron Prentice, Chairman of ProtectMarriage.com - Yes on 8

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Electing Obama 'A Grave Mistake,' National Priest Leader Declares

Team Sarah Response to Presidential Election Results

SBA List President Praises Victories of Roskam, Schock

SBA List President Praises Myrick, Foxx Victories

Christian Defense Coalition Announces Major Pro-Life National Campaign After Senator Obama's Victory in 2008 Presidential Election

Richard Viguerie: America Rejects Big Government Republicanism

SBA List President Praises McConnell Victory

SBA List President Praises Daniels-Skillman Victory

Election 2008 - What Does it Mean for America

Numerous Faith Leaders Condemn No on 8 Ad

Inspirational Music Conveys the Purpose of Christmas

Ruth Youth Proclaim International Mormon Appreciation Day

Condemnation Grows for Offensive No on 8 TV Ad

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