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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

'Vote Pro-Life' Radio Ad Begins Running on US Radio Stations Today

Religious Leftists Host Dinner for Ahmadinejad

India - Persecution Spreads

New Pro-Life Movie Wins a 'Redemptive Storyteller Award'

Fr. Pavone and Dr. King: Yes, Abortion is a Holocaust

Can a Bike Ride Change a Life

Monday, September 22, 2008

New Study Proves Parental Involvement Laws Save Lives

In Case You Missed It LA Times Op-Ed: Protecting Marriage to Protect Children

Satanic Teachings of Oprah's Guru Linked to Barack Obama

Investment Fund Established to Promote Strong Families through Film

Governor Palin Supporters Announce Plans for Two Rallies Surrounding the October 2 Vice-Presidential Debate in St. Louis

TVS to Handle Christmas at Maxwell's Domestic TV Syndication

Obama, McCain Top Advisors Will Square Off At Religious Forum

Joyce Meyer's 'Enjoying Everyday Life' Now on Country Music Television

Research Specialist Puts Gospels in Chronological Order to Reveal New Insights About the Life of Jesus

Author Ministers to the Little Ones with 'Talking' Bible

World Jewish Congress President Shocked by Christian Groups' Invitation to Ahmadinejad

Safeguard Your Marriage

Obama Still Lying About Abortion Survivors says National Black Pro-Life Union President Day Gardner

Help for Parents of Christian Teens

Members Criticize Omission of Historical Religious Content in Capitol Visitor Center

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Internet Apologetics Ministry Celebrates Fifth Year of Bare Knuckles Debating

Iranians Rally in New York Against Ahmadinejad, for Democratic Change in Iran

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Remarks by President Bush and President Uribe of the Republic of Colombia in Joint Press Availability

Radio Address by the President to the Nation

John McCain's Weekly Radio Address

Friday, September 19, 2008

Hurricane Ike Recovery: World Vision Helping Churches Assist in Hard Hit Areas

40 Days for Life Virginia Campaign Begins September 24th, 2008

More Christians Die in Indian Violence

SBA List President: 'Obama is Lying About Record on Born Alive Infant Protection Act'

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