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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Church Celebrates 25 Years of Growth

Top 5 Category Nominees Announced for the 14th Annual Inspirational Country Music Awards

Examining the Common Threads of Conversion

White House and CaliforniaVolunteers to Host Sacramento Conference on Strengthening Partnerships with Nonprofit Sector

Obama Campaign Continues Effort to Obscure Opposition to Born Alive Infants Protection Act

Doing Justice to the Arts

McDonald's Enters the Catering Business ... to the LGBT Community

Christian Companion Senior Care Expanding to Missouri

Silver Dollar City's Southern Gospel Picnic

Pennsylvania Church Tops List Recognized for Helping People Affected by AIDS

Alpha Omega Publications Announces Homeschool Giveaway

Major Publisher of Reformed Literature Reaffirms its Partnership with the Church

U.S. Supreme Court is Right: 'Abortion Does Cause Severe Depression and Loss of Esteem' Says 100 American Scientists, Medical and Mental Health Professionals

Leading Evangelicals React to 'Saddleback Showdown' Civil Forum on the Presidency

Christian Companion Senior Care Offers Franchise Opportunities

Christian Companion Senior Care Offers Franchise Opportunities

Report on Abortion's Mental Health Impact Flawed say 'Silent No More' Leaders

Richard Viguerie: Washington Politicians Again Covering Up True Size of Federal Deficit

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

APA Report Disregards Evidence on Abortion Risks, Care Net Says

Pro-Life Doctors at Risk

New Jersey Right to Life Holds Counter Protest of Planned Parenthood During August 12, 2008 Visit by Presidential Candidate John McCain

Beijing House Churches Forced to Sign Document Pledging Not to Meet During the Olympic Games

IRD Urges Chinese Government: Stop 'Lip-Synching' Religious Freedom

Statement by President Bush on the Situation in Georgia

The Wumblers are One Step Closer to Uniting Children Across the World

First of Its Kind Website Tells Christians Investors The Truth

LifeWay Re-launches Share Jesus Without Fear

Judge Roy Moore and Foundation for Moral Law File Brief Defending Moment of Silence in Texas Schools

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Chronicle Christian Newspaper Changes Its Name

Facts on Reasonable Initiated Measure 11

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