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Friday, February 08, 2008

Remarks by the President After Briefing on Regional Tornado Damage

Salvo Offers a Primer on Intelligent Design

Remarks by the President to the Conservative Political Action Conference

Romney Quits -- 'This is a Great Day for our Nation and Many Unsuspecting Souls' Says Founder of Liveprayer.com

The Christian Defense Coalition Calls on ESPN to End Religious Intolerance in the Workplace

Pennsylvanians Say Now is the Time for Marriage Amendment

Conservative Activist to Debate Gay Activist on 'A Christian Response to Homosexuality' at the Blumenthal Performing Arts Center in Charlotte

Political Landscape Changes for Christians

Major Labels Sign on with Christian Music Talent Search

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Romney Exit to Transform Pro-life Endorsements 'Old Guard' Pro-life Leaders' Candidates Fail

McCain Must Convince Skeptical Conservatives by Deeds, not Words

Remarks by the President and Mrs. Bush on Helping America's Youth

'Vacations with a Purpose' on the Rise among American Christians; 1.6 Million Now Making Overseas Mission Trip Each Year

White House 'Compassion in Action' Roundtable Highlights Transformational Efforts of International Social Enterprise

Remarks by the President on Pending Presidential Nominations

American Bible Society Mourns the Loss of Ruth Stafford Peale

Churches and Ministries Get on the Web for Free

'Answers in Genesis' Programming Coming to the NRB Network

Oregon Homicide Exposes the Fallacy that Euthanasia Can be Controlled Says Fr. Pavone

AG Six Denies Evidence to Grand Jury, Becomes Part of Abortion Corruption Scandal

True Love Waits Introduces Special New Testament

ESPN Protest Called for by Christian Anti-Defamation Commission

Remarks by the President at National Prayer Breakfast

'Terri's Day' Information Now Available

Audio Bibles Go to College

Hollywood's Cardinal Must Go

Exodus Mandate, Phyllis Schlafly and a Coalition of Christian and Pro-family Organizations Endorse Call for 'Exodus' From California Schools

Video-on-Demand Scores Big with TBN Viewers. Video Archives of Favorite 'Praise The Lord' and 'Behind The Scenes' Broadcasts Available 24/7

Christian Freedom International Calls for Universal Attention on Burma as Hollywood Movie Depicts Its Atrocities

Turning Straight: 4 Out of 5 Program Participants Report Reduction in Unwanted Homosexual Attractions

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