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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

'Healing Pathway for Hopelessness' Program Helps Youth

Association of Biblical Counselors Equips Christians to Provide Wise Counsel from Scripture

Jena Six Case Highlights Need to Investigate Evidence of Racism Everywhere

GMC Serves a Green-Caesar Salad in a Night of Legends Presented by Allstate on Sunday, Sept. 23

11 People Harmed by Abortion to Speak Today at Silent No More Awareness Campaign Event in NYC

Faith First Educational Assistance Corporation Celebrates 5 Years of School Choice for Quality Education

Huckabee Wins Values Voter Straw Poll

Global Prayer Event to Confront Terrorism, War, Violence this October in Washington DC

Mission Aviation Fellowship Helps Fight Ebola Outbreak in Congo

Monday, September 17, 2007

VoteYesMarriage.com Responds to Governor Schwarzenegger's Pledge to Veto 'Same-Sex Marriages' Bill

Time-Life & BET J to Release All Star Gospel Christmas CD Featuring Whitney Houston, Alicia Keys and Bryan Wilson

Planned Parenthood Aurora Not Opening: Victory Celebration Scheduled for Tonight at 6 pm

Federal Court Delays Planned Parenthood Opening in Aurora

CWA Seeks Fair Hearing for Attorney General Nominee

New Biblical Astronomy Book Restores Lost Traditions

CWA Asks Prayers for Victims of Sex Slavery

For Parents Only

Richard Viguerie: Bush AG Choice Disappoints Conservatives--Again

Remarks by President Bush After Video Teleconference with Iraq Provincial Reconstruction Team Leaders and Brigade Combat Commanders

Care Net Conference Largest Pregnancy Center Gathering in U.S.

Historic Values Voter Presidential Debate Today

Pro-Life Coalition to Announce Major Demonstrations at the 2008 Democratic National Convention in Denver Next Summer

10,000 Churches Create Their Own Social Network

Jesusland Not Buying McBaptist

Constitution a Dead Letter; Thompson a Counterfeit Conservative; Ron Paul on God and Government; Wildmon Wrong on Voting; Byrd's Moral Dyslexia on Abortion/Dogfighting

Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust to Confront Democratic Party at 2008 Convention in Denver

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Bill Keller World's Largest Internet Evangelist Calls Osama Bin Laden to Repent and Turn his Life Over to Jesus Christ

Citizens, City Fight to Block Mega-Abortion Clinic Opening

'Modoggie' Cartoon Published by Swedish Artist Lars Vilks

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Christian Students Leading Revival in USA Public Schools: Three Nationwide Prayer & Bible Events Converging on Campuses Sept 23-29

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